Strange Visitations

Upcoming photo book depicting Bali in an usual way.

Photographs by
Sergio Camalich Morales
Strange Visitations

The name of this book came to me while reading "Sekala & Niskala", by Fred B. Eisman Jr., a book that talks about the visible and invisible aspects of life in Bali.

It struck me during the chapter about trance in the island, given that since the beginning of this project, I had been becoming increasingly aware of the trance-like state I would get into while working on some of my photographs.

I would be either driving or walking down a street. Looking at my surroundings, trying to take in as much as I could, when suddenly, out of the chaos, a trigger would pop up that sent me straight into action — sometimes a color, sometimes an object; some other times, no more than a mere intuition.

The more open I let myself be, the more would be revealed to me. The less I tried to impose my own perceptions over what was already there, the less I tripped myself  over.

As much as I'd like to say that it was me the sole author of this book, I must admit, I've been nothing but a joyful witness.

A necessary actor to play the role of the doer in a universal puppet show, while the strange visitations linger behind every source of light and shadow.

With time, I've come to understand these strange visitations as some sort of gift, given to me as a reward for learning how to notice, for trusting even as the pain of uncertainty strikes my heart.

Photo of girls playing
Kunci signs
Shrine surrounded by colors
Shrine behind balinese food card
Supermarket parking lot
Outside of a traditional balinese warung
Outside of a balinese bengkel
Woman placing offerings in a warung
Detail of a mobile petrol station
Balinese people eating during a ceremony
Woman waiting inside a barbershop
Detail of beauty salon window
Woman with offerings next to a barbershop
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